Interior One Point Perspective

[Stop Animation]

The vanishing points and horizon line are often obscured when observing interior spaces. It is important to remember that one's eye level is the horizon line. In an interior space, it would be an imaginary horizontal plane at eye level that cuts through everything. You could make a mark on the wall, while standing next to it, at eye level and this would carry throughout the room and on into infinity.

The large window in the rear wall opens on the vanishing point and horizon line. If you look carefully at the convergences you will notice that they radiate out from the vanishing point through the corners of the back wall creating the divisions between the walls, floor, ans ceiling.

There is also a doorway in the back wall which has similar properties to the window. You can see the underside of the top of the doorway because it is higher than the horizon line. As planes get further away from the vanishing point and horizon line you can see more of them.

The windows in the right and left side wall are the same height as the window in the back wall. They are formed by following the parallel lines of the top and bottom of the window back to the vanishing point.

  • Try creating a simple interior drawing. Remember that you need to place yourself so that you are perpendicular to the back wall and parallel to the side walls. The vanishing point should be on the horizon line directly on front of you if you are facing the back wall. Imagine a large mirror on the wall and you will find the vanishing point right between your eyes.