Partial Bibliography
- The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques: Fifth Edition, Revised and Updated (Artists' Handbook of Materials and Techniques)
, by Ralph Mayer, Fourth Edition, copyright 1981, Viking Press, N.Y., N.Y.
- Color & Human Response: Aspects of Light and Color Bearing on the Reactions of Living Things and the Welfare of Human Beings
, by Faber Birren
- Perspective Drawing
, by Kenneth Auvil, copyright 1990, Mayfield Publishing, Mountain View, California.
- Ella Combs-Larmann, Color Theory Consultant
- Chris Rowland, WWW and Computer Technology Consultant
- Sherry Stone-Clifton, Consultant
- Rebecca Alzofon, Consultant
- University of Evansville Department of Art
- Special Thanks to Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, Herron School of Art